evasive misery

I was discussing pieces of novel around midnight. The protagonist in my novel is anguished. A lot of feedback about my creative fiction pieces comments on dark undertones. I suppose there's special irony in me also penning books about benefits of positive affirmations and self-healing... Everyone has their own outlet, I guess. I someone earlier that I appreciate good writing that captures despair because I think most humans become lost in such a...

60k. puppies settled.

The puppies are settled in. It was a tricky few days. Jet lag, upset stomachs. The two of them have battled on like champions and both are happily settled in their new Queens home. I can't believe they're here! I sat down for the first time earlier and pieced together a few chunks of documents that came out to about 60,000 words. I think these words are what I'll use to shape Novel One. After that I'm sure publishers will be slapping down...

family formed. week off.

Over the past year, I've taken a total of three days off. This is a stark contrast to the four weeks of vacation I'm used to gaining as a standard job contract down under. I don't go back to work until Thursday. I am fortunate to have a five day weekend in place to help get the puppies settled. I must say, however, that they don't seem to be having any issue catching up where we left off. I've been walking them every few hours. We found a few...


Please forgive my absence over the past 72 hours beautiful family of blog. It has been filled with PUPPIES! Planning and preparing... airport-ing and freighting... AND THEY'RE HERE! There really aren't any words to express my glee. To be back at my computer, clacking away, with my two furry babies sleeping at my side brings a peace I have lacked for at least eleven months. Picking them up at the airport yesterday was wild. Timothy and I rented a...

he might. but.

The puppies are flying from Melbourne to Sydney as we speak blog tribe. I'm pretty sure this is the part when I start throwing up all over myself. I realize there is a special sort of insanity in flying two furry creatures over 10,000 miles back to my loving arms... but they're my babies. I don't reckon they'd abandon me for the opposite side of the planet, hence I never intended to bring such upon them. ... Get on the plane! Timothy and I were...
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