pausing. puppies. panting.

Move is paused cult collective. FollowMeToNYC headquarters will not relocate until September, which means the puppies's arrival is also postponed. Not talking about that one. Unfortunately, my wanky landlord seems to have forgotten every syllable spoken between us. So the move is paused. Puppies are resting up another eight weeks before their journey across international waters. Usually, these are the bits of life that make me want to break...

moving. tools. puppies.

Namaste blog tribe, I hope you all had a weekend of wonderful. My weekend was a bit crazy involving landlords and counting, a bit of writing and some nail biting. I'm moving in four weeks... the puppies should be here in five. You know those crazy times when things get so hectic that somehow the world becomes ineffably still? I think I'm in another one of those... An interesting twist to my move is that I have no furniture. Living overseas for...

uptown etc

Tim and I were approved for a puppy-loving, one-bedroom apartment across the street from the forest uptown. WILDLY EXCITED! I'm betting on Henry and Peanut arriving by mid-July. Sweet JESUS! Naturally, my landlord is being a tosser which should come as no surprise reflecting on my history with property agents and what not. But positive thoughts and perseverance do wonders, I reckon. Speaking of which, there are a few books I am knocking around...

i love you blog family

Namaste blog tribe Please forgive the last few silent days. While just a few months back I landed in my current residence, as I mentioned a few days ago... it's move time. Inwood or bust. New apartment = puppies arrival. And since Richard Branson weaked out and clearly isn't going to help me out, it appears I'm on my own with this one. So to be true, for the past four days I have thought nothing but "APARTMENT!" I don't have any money to move......

one day you’re certain

Namaste cult of blog In case you don't notice... I have been obsessed with The Reign of Kindo for three days now. Two tracks in particular. Tim put me on. There on the right. He's an amazing driver / photographer / etc and the pair of us attract a slew of questions lately. and still they keep dancing on just as though you don't have a say. and the choice of routine or song isn't better that way. this what happens when you realize you're not in...
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