healing pinnacle

Believe it or not blog family, my foot is still stuffed. It's better than it was, however irrational demands of evil creatures forcing unnecessary steps has not assisted the healing process. And I'm thankful for every wiggly-toed grimace. The low-key vibe of life that I've settled into over the past three weeks has truly reached a pinnacle. I'm assuming it's because of tonight's full moon. Yesterday I received an unexpected phone call related...

one place closer to puppies

I finished one homework assignment. I figure that puts me one place closer to the puppies. Two more to go. It's been five months. The longest I've gone without seeing them is eight months. My homework involves writing words in new ways that people can understand easier. Unfortunately for me, I don't understand most of the things either - so I've been researching quite a bit today. While I've been going out of my way to not turn these pages into...

manifesting books and apartments etc

All of my energy is focussed on finishing my novel so I can get an Agent, a bit of extra cash from book selling, and an apartment bought for the puppies to come live in. How hard can it be? I started working on a video blog today, I haven't made one in for three months. I really can't think about anything other than the novel at the moment. It's exciting, overwhelming, and eye-opening. Over the past two weeks, the final bits and pieces to tie...

step one book step two puppies

Namaste and welcome to 2012 blog family. Yesterday whilst sitting at the head of my parent's living room table clacking away novel (that I have decided comes out this fall), something amazing happened. My eyes widened. I deleted a few words, clacked a few more. Crinkled my eyebrows. Laughed out loud. Said, "That's IT!" And immediately telephoned my best friend in Colorado to chant something along the lines of: "My God My God My GOOOOD! You know...
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