snooze tags & moments we’re meant to create

So I've been doing this every day for about six months now... insanity. The best element is hands down all of the Artists I'm meeting. I'm put on to new talent nearly every day and am spoiled with tastes of what other creative tribal members are up to... it's dope. Yesterday I tried sorting out my tags because with close to 200 posts it seems like something I should do? Last night I had company. When I first moved to Australia I stumbled across...

how i live

I intend to keep living as a nomad/gypsy until I can afford something in Manhattan... it's kind of like a silent protest. I live basic. Once upon a time everything to my name could fit in two backpacks. One for clothes, one for books. Moving when I lived in New York City was as simple as hailing a taxi cab. The most difficult thing I have to pack these days is the puppies. Lily gets carsick. Apparently lots of dogs get carsick which I was never...

how much does that cost & the cute puppies

I feel like a Mastercard commercial. Laptop blah blah dollars, airline tickets such and such, having people say you inspire them... priceless. As many of you know I passionately hide behind a 'be nice to my Writing' shield constructed during my youth to ward off fiendish book publishers. It is so enormous now that even the nastiest critique of something I might love doesn't bother me. ... it took me a long time to get here. Now that I've...

kitty puss & puppies

Now as we all know, my puppy departure was slightly traumatizing. I can't wait to have my face licked in a window of only three days!! Since October, Kitty Puss has been doing a wonderful job at providing soft, fuzzy love in the absence of the puppies. When I first got back to the states he gave me a dirty look in typical cat fashion and ignored me for the first few weeks. Once he decided I was acceptable company, he started doing all those...
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