city to sticks. back around.

Namaste loyal readers & cult affiliates I've been in the sticksĀ for a lush three days. I'm staying indefinitely through mid-Septemberish. I'm certain a city sway will occur sporadically, New York City is irresistible on any day - summer is entirely something else. A friend of mine smiled at me a couple of weeks ago and said, "I'm glad you're from the country." Considering my current address and history with the town I love, it's not usually...

happy 4 july

My return to blahg-ville has been hushed. Most of my time is spent with my latest book, so I haven't been much in the zone of blah-g. I've also been spending a lot of time with new people who have recently appeared in my life. The way that life goes in waves and peaks is certainly something that never stops, until we eventually kick it and float into the next realm. 1 September marks me being in Manhattan for six years. After the despair I...

vikings. sunrise.

I spent last night sipping icy vodkas on a midtown rooftop with a viking. There were five of us all up, representing four continents. I've already started the story... That said, my bloody writing section of this page is still a disaster from when I had a tanty and tore it down. Lucky I'm being easy on myself, head shakes are all I can say about that. Soon to be sorted. Summer changes my entire world. The decade-ish I spent in Australia was warm...

solstice. simplify.

Yesterday I celebrated the summer solstice. I watched the sun come up over the east river and dip down into the Hudson on the longest day of light. As a light creature, the longest lit day is very important. The symbolism to this, I suppose, is as significant as my recent bouts of silence. In a few months I'll enter the final year of my dirty thirties. And believe me, they were quite dirty. I don't really believe in the whole age/time thing. But...

bloody tags

I had to take Fronkles to the vet a few weeks ago, because something was off. When the vet asked what the issue was, I replied, "I'm not sure, but I reckon he's been eating the bloody garbage." The vet, with a straight face looked at me and said, "What kind of blood was it?" And I was like, "Wow." Fortunately, Fronkles is all good. I probably won't go back to that vet. Even though it's the eighth one I've seen around midtown. For those of you...
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