emptiness. clips.

My apartment is down to nearly empty. There are two pieces of furniture left, which are disposable, and closets that contain approximately two suitcases of contents. Few things provide more comfort to a gypsy. I take pride in being able to collect everything I have, in under 15 minutes - and bounce. And while I have seven months until this will likely occur, I'm someone who likes to be prepared. It was refreshing to toss out about 12 garbage...

i love to break phones

It has been a quiet week. I've been internal, I chanted a bit. I've been spending as much time as I can in the sun before winter sneaks up on me. I also had the great pleasure of my phone breaking, completely. This means all contacts were lost, photos probably got erased. Of course I don't back anything up on my phone. I'll back my writing up, to a certain degree - but my phone? That's too much work. In addition to the smashing of my iPhone6, I...

don giovanni. dirty stories.

Last night, alone, I dressed in burgundy velvet splashed with golden leaves and six inch platform stilettos - and I went to the Metropolitan Opera House for the first time. And it was everything you could possibly imagine it to be... Since attending opera in August, I've been set to go to the Met. I sat in a balcony box seat in a room filled with some of the sweetest sounds on Earth. I've really embraced a certain solitude since one of the most...

Halloween begins!

Happy Halloween everyone! Some of you already know, today is my day. My birthday is the only day I like better than Halloween. My day started with spiral glasses, bunny ears, dressing the puppies like a shark and piggles - and hitting the street. This all occurred prior to 8am... I've already arranged to leave my office early today. I don't think anywhere does Halloween quite like New York City. It's one of the most hopping nights of the year...

yogmata keiko aikawa. blessed.

"To attain enlightenment, yogis undergo rigorous training and meditate for many years. Those who, like Yogmata Keiko Aikawa, have attained samadhi can transmit anugraha shakti (God’s grace and power)." Tonight, I had the unbelievable and utterly indescribable honor of being within 15 feet of her holiness, Yogmata Keiko Aikawa. And I returned to a place I know better than anything. Better than heartbreak, better than any daily in or out. She...

wedding dresses
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