well that was confronting

Ok so my book proposal is nearly finished. It took me just over a week. It wil definitely be done today. I like to sleep on projects. Not in a protagonistic way, although I am a fan of procastinating in the proper circumstances. In cases of my writing, I prefer to walk away from something and revisit. Shake. Repeat. So after roughly ten days of that, I think I have something to send in. I have that sick stomach throw-up excite-y feeling in my...

my first proposal

I've been married twice, but no one has ever actually proposed to me. Right now, I'm working on my first proposal ever. I've learned not to rely on other parties to be involved in such an intimate process. So I'm doing the proposal all by myself. BOOK PROPOSAL TIME BLOG TRIBE! An author representative asked for a proposal or manuscript to bat up to the Editorial group. Yo... For the past week I have been book proposal-ing. You see, I've got...

more reasons i love. delete.

Namaste blog family I was thinking of how divine it was those weeks that I had no telephone. However, being a lover of gadgets, and one who enjoys getting my Instagram on - I understand the purpose of maintaining the small plastic device that stays nested in my handbag. So instead of tossing the phone once and for all, I decided to delete all of my contacts instead. I have this theory, if someone is looking for me and calls - I can stash their...

return to work. out of my hair.

Namaste blog tribe Today I go back to work. It's literally the first time in my life that I am actually looking forward to returning to work after a holiday. Part of that is because my current job is my favorite and best. The second reason is because there was unexpected turmoil over the last few days of vacation that spit me out the other side just wanting to return to some type of basic routine. I've recently dealt with scorned lovers and...

when they say no way

My first husband was/is a dick to me. I'm not saying he's a dick all around, on the contrary - he is incredibly engaging, dare I say charming? Add the Australian accent, crystal blue eyes and sandy locks - you've got a tall glass of water indeed. But like I said, to me. He was/is a dick to me. One of the dickiest things he ever did was tell me that I would never get published. This was back in 2005. When someone you trust rips your heart out...
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