today is the day. one year back.

I've been laying low. All kinds of crazies have occurred over the past four days. Pages have poured. Australians arrived. I signed a lease. I move TODAY! I've also been spending a lot of time marveling at my husband lately. I couldn't help but stretch a press-lipped grin when one of my sisters from the southern hemisphere squeezed me and confirmed, "So wait. You're seriously married?" Yes, yes I am. I have been back in the country for one year...

chapters in the park

I thought about chapters today. This occurred after spending some time reading samples of stories presently making their ways to readers around Internet land. I didn't get very far because most of what I read had too many adjectives for my liking... or too many vampires... or too much soft porn... The good that came out of all of this was that it promptly directed me back to some folders filled with files where pieces were cut, pasted, added...

brain stuck game

Right now I'm playing a bit of the brain stuck game blog tribe. My brain is stuck on apartment and puppies. Considering that I'm expecting all of this to somehow manifest by the second week of September,just in time for my birthday, there are brain overdrive activities happening. I always have so much fun in Queens, and after-all it was where the Writers' Night took place. Moving to a suburb with "Sunny" in the name essentially thrills me. And...

too many papers. more red please.

One of the things that has been completely evident since returning to the States after nine years away is the paperwork attached to EVERYTHING. Oh, you want birthday cake? Just fill out three pages. Let me get this straight - you're trying to pay a bill from your personal bank account? No worries. Here's a short eight page form, and it's just a small fee of $40. Banks, actually are the worst. I have switched banks three times during the eleven...

a weekend of reading

I've been reading all weekend. In fact, I've barely left bed. I've been reading best-seller type things. Books that miraculously turn into trilogies and films. Apparently, the "secret" to winning the Writer game is to compose an average piece of work that you can pitch to everyone and their mother. Then Warner Brothers or Miramax give you money... so I'm learning. So I read a few books that are topping lists around the world. It was fun. It kind...
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