he’s still fine. f$ck f#c%book.

G'day mi familia of global blog love I was pondering how fine my husband is this morning - thought I'd blog about it. Last year around exactly this time, life was pretty suck. Don't get it twisted, there are always moments of fabulous when we really look around... but I was essentially taking mental "New York New York New York!" beatings on the daily. ... God I love being back. Had anyone told me that a husband-boy was lurking local and would...

pick a project. any project.

I've decided to pick a project this week. Something in addition to Poetry: Volume three arriving in two weeks-ish. Something to bloody finish. Tim votes YA fiction. One of the works I'm knocking about is a spooky-like New England tale about some ghost hunters and a girl who knows better than to use the word "ghost". In 2010 I posted a few bits from what I have in mind. I guess after spending yesterday sorting through a few hundred posts in these...

this one’s shorter

Namaste blog tribe I've been formatting Poetry: Volume 3 for the past three hours while Tim is lying on the couch reading Stephen King. Happy fourth of July Yankees... cop that England. My third poetry volume is quite shorter than the first two volumes which each rang in at over 100 pages. Considering the last twelve months I've had, there's writing slung everywhere in chunky bits hanging on coat hooks of various genres. I've mentioned before, I...

gee. that’s a bit.

As we enter the final stretch toward 1000 posts in the land of FollowMeToNYC, I haven't had too much time to think about all of the insanity leading up to me somehow manifesting my present mid-town Manhattan existence... I've been quite busy writing as of late. After a wonderful weekend hiding in the woods, rowing around in a canoe - words have been spilling from my pen and shaking from my fingertips. The submission I put together had me...

off to frolic

Namaste blog tribe Tim and I are packed and prepared for a 24-hour Connecticut frolic. Both of us are still somewhat astonished by the fact that we grew up around the corner from each other. When we leave the city to run around in the same forests we both did as kids - uniquely magical things occur. Words are pouring from pens and clicking into keys. Poetry: Volume Three will be ready on time. Life is a refreshed shade of wonderful. I'm still...
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