getting my read on

Namaste tribal cult of blog I spent the weekend getting my read on. For the first time, I obtained hard copies of Poetry Volume 2 and 3. I 'm about half way through volume two. Needless to say, it hurts. However I am happy to finally reach a point, two years after it came out, where I can fold open the spine and say, "Damn. All of that happened." Naturally I've already found formatting quirks and other ickies that will require further attention....

deviation of desire

Namaste blog tribe I've been writing a lot of poetry lately. On that note, I traveled over to Lulu land to order some of my books and actually read them. I'm considering a "Lost Years" volume. Anyways, I giggled and blushed when I realized that I sold a few books in December. So shout out to the lovers that put my pages on their shelf. It is bloody freezing in New York City. I nearly froze walking to work yesterday, there's a 50% 50% chance I...

alright 2014. i reckon i’m ready now.

Namaste family of blog I've been laying low. I even took a few days off from work. I'm not sure if it's my Virgo sun sign or frantic desire to produce words; but I actually miss my job. I'm lucky for that. Anyways. Things have occurred. I think the most notable thing is that I met someone interesting. In a land of bland, I haven't met many interesting people this time through. I'd say... probably eight. So now I've met nine. What makes someone...

freedom dancing. shake it.

Ever since I abruptly stopped being shitty, in addition to writing more and creating more art, I've been dancing more. I rearranged my apartment on Saturday to make it more dance-party friendly. I'm considering an impromptu New Year's Eve Party. I do live in Times Square, after all. Anyways, after rearranging my place Saturday morning, David came over to celebrate the new dancing space. We dropped it hot crazy to Nicki  Minaj and Cassie. Any...

and then. lately.

Namaste blog tribe Last Thursday, the 19th, was important. I haven't really said much since then. My head has mostly been filled with songs and poems. It's a bit quiet in New York City at the moment, everyone being away for the holidays and all. During this lull of the last two weeks of 2013, I've done quite a bit of writing. I made a christmas card collage, I've been cooking organic vegetarian food and stretching a lot. After my happy/joy rant...
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