Last Thursday, the 19th, was important. I haven’t really said much since then. My head has mostly been filled with songs and poems.
It’s a bit quiet in New York City at the moment, everyone being away for the holidays and all. During this lull of the last two weeks of 2013, I’ve done quite a bit of writing. I made a christmas card collage, I’ve been cooking organic vegetarian food and stretching a lot.
After my happy/joy rant the other day, I realized how I had forgotten about how life changes with a sense of contentment. I’m all for finding something new to chase every day; but I also think that a keen ability to maintain some comfortable level of contentment, at all times regardless, harbors some type of healing property. I guess I see it as an equivalent to always being able to find your own peace – something I fell out of step with for a hot minute there.
Yo. Close call.
Now that my brains feel like they’re back inside of my head instead of torn between two continents, I can get on with it.
I had a conversation with a new mate of mine the other day about everything being 20/20. Such a cliche phrase and yet so incredibly accurate. Anyone can look back and try to restructure fate. It takes someone extraordinary to look forward and let the rest fall to the sides. Or up. I usually prefer looking up.
Either one is better than backwards.