
Namaste blog tribe It pleases me in shivery ways to announce the latest addition to our cult of love - Frankie! I rescued Frankie from the dog pound. On Saturday, the pound's mobile unit cruised up to 82nd Street and Broadway. I have had my eye on adoptions now for some time, waiting for the right opportunity for Peanut to say G'day. While there will never be any replacement for our beloved Henry, it's time for my little girl to learn to love...

good morning iceland

While Facebook beat me and I lack in Twitter... I love the shit out of Instagram. I realize that Facebook owns Instagram and at the end of the day I'm simply supporting another stock price with no rights to any of the photos I post... However this is a completely fair trade for being able to start my morning off like I did today  - admiring a snap from someone I love shooting up photos of freshly prepared delights to be greedily gobbled in far...

bermuda. my love. life.

Namaste blog family I'm back in Bermuda at the moment. As I've mentioned, work has required me to travel here from time to time over the past 12 months. One day I hope to holiday here. Work days are super long when I visit these parts. I work until midnight usually and return to the office at eight. It's a good thing I love my job, otherwise... I might be cranky. Alas, work no longer makes me cranky. Working in the guts of New York City (and of...

change this. fix that.

The blah-g is mess-ville love tribe. Our loyal cult affiliates likely noticed the new template. I've used this one before, it seems like a reasonable band-aid. I've done about 1,100 posts. The terms "category" and "tag" are very loose in these parts. Last night I was looking at various pretty blogs. While I like how mine has the appearance of an old scrapbook, covered in coffee stains with favorite pages dog-eared - I need... I don't know....


I've been yakking since 2010 about how I heart social media. Here is my social media story of today... with photos: This morning I was wandering Peanut through Central Park, as we do every day, when I snapped a lovely click of The Plaza. I have many special reasons for hearting The Plaza. Special memories. Like writing poetry on honeymoon with husband two... before it went pear-shaped. And attending a charity gala with my bestie. I digress. So I...

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