my babies

Yesterday I Skyped with the individual presently minding the puppies in my absence. It made me sad family. Peanut was so sad, she wasn't even sleeping beside the person looking after her - she was down the hallway by herself. Henry is usually in decent spirits if someone is petting him. When the three of us are together, we never separate. They both sleep on my lap when I write. They curl up at the foot of my bed at night. Certain things...

the cult and the book

You know, I don't think in all pushing 800 posts I've ever had "cult" as a title. How odd... I love our cult. I'm on about that a lot. As I continue to endure the literal worst post-separation period of my existence, some days aren't great. Like today. Fortunately, there is cult. Can you believe blog family, that steadying me on my feet during a twelve hour period of emotional turmoil today came not ONE not TWO nor THREE and not FOUR but FIVE...

#occupy update

Since my early visits to Occupy Wall Street, I (along with millions of others) have been watching events unravel around the world. On Saturday I took the six to City Hall to check out what's going down. I left feeling somewhat ambivalent about Zucotti Park, but ever as gleeful about humans collecting to identify corruption.I am also in agreement that it's un-fun coping with daily impacts of global criminality. Needless to say, as a media dork...

face masking. family.

Namaste blog tribe I wasn't here yesterday, but I have the most AMAZING excuse. Yesterday I had the perfect pleasure of escorting the most beautiful Jessica Tremp and her equally stunning partner in evening explorations during their first visit to New York City! We ate Italian food and gossiped until we gasped for breath. We hugged and shook our heads and widened our eyes at stories and I'm fairly certain tears of joy were involved at some...

sometimes it’s serious

One of the bragging rights of FollowMeToNYC is having about 400 of our cult affiliates subscribed to my RSS feed. Imagine how many I'll get when I figure out how to get back the magic button that allows people to subscribe... not quite sure where that one went. This morning as my espresso bubbled and I watched the sunrise over the east river, I contemplated this. I also contemplated how much fun I had running around in the forest with my family...
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