You know, I don’t think in all pushing 800 posts I’ve ever had “cult” as a title.
How odd…
I love our cult. I’m on about that a lot. As I continue to endure the literal worst post-separation period of my existence, some days aren’t great.
Like today.
Fortunately, there is cult. Can you believe blog family, that steadying me on my feet during a twelve hour period of emotional turmoil today came not ONE not TWO nor THREE and not FOUR but FIVE cult members took up chaperone duties throughout the day. Sometimes I need to be chaperoned.
Sometimes I don’t feel “rational”.
Anyways, lucky for me I am embraced by a perpetual love connection. I think that’s why I chose to be born to such a huge blood tribe this go around, more creatures to love during holiday gatherings and what not…
I am smashing book. So much I’m debating easing up so I don’t bruise any pages. If all goes as planned, and in the name of NaNoWriMo, I should have a serious word-count to play with come December.
The utter irony of this novel being completed at this stage of my life is literally off the charts.
Referring to life as bitter sweet is nothing more than a cliche understatement. At the moment, life is utterly inappropriate.