cheers to 700 STRAIGHT. checkcheck.

Here's me raising my glass to the cult and toasting today's 700th CONSECUTIVE POST! I realize I make it look effortless... blogging every day ain't as easy as it seems. Neither is having fresh photos, trying to organize content, figuring out how to actually tell the world about our land here, and writing books in between. Good think I'm a magickal fairy princess... my wand has gotten a lot of use over the past 700 days. While I will spend today...

netherlands. india. global love tribe.

This week I signed my first two poetry books upon request of two beautiful word appreciators. Never in my entire existence as a Writer have I ever imagined signing a book. I understand that book signing is a normal thing for authors to do... but then again, I certainly don't classify myself as a "normal" anything. Just a girl who needs to spill my brain on pages in a feeble attempt to grip sanity. The coolest part of the entire experience was...

the official countdown

G'day gorgeous collection of cult 19 days. In 19 days, the soles of my feet will be on New York City soil. Unlike the other three trips that I have taken since October 2009 running around hollering, "COME ON! Someone... ANYONE!... Give me a JOB so I can finish my novel!" I have a job... I have a soul circle chairperson with a cozy couch waiting and a pair of keys to his apartment cut that jangle in my handbag whenever I'm out and about... I have...

tomorrow. i swear. espresso to pints.

Namaste blog family Surprisingly, I haven't heard from Richard Branson today. I suppose he's carrying out some high-level executive task that's preventing him from telling us all that he's going to fly the puppies to New York City for me... so let's sit tight for a few more days... considering the hour difference between Australia and the UK and all. For the past ten hours straight I've been sorting Poetry: volume two. It started off with strong...

are you ready to come to NEW YORK CITY!!!

(story intermission) 679 posts. Countless nervous breakdowns. Splashes of poetry. Multiple chapters. ... a bit of progression. Dear Blog Tribe / Cult / Family / Keepers of all things Divine I LANDED A JOB IN MANHATTAN AND START SEPTEMBER FIRST!!!! New York City!! HERE WE COME!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! I woke up this morning with these exact syllables tossing from my tongue: "NO! I do NOT want a COFFEE! NO! I do NOT need to take a shower when...
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