shots of jager in an icebox. stack of books.

What do you do when one of your favorite Queenslanders who has never seen snow and lives in a town where winter equals spring in most other parts of the world? Lock her in a box of ice and keep her warm with furry coats and shots of jagermeister, naturally. One of my favorite sisters is in town for a few days Blog Family. Last night we drank cocktails out of goblets made of ice, before smashing our cups into a pile of sparkly crystals. Then we...

p is for Patrick’s and PUBLISHED !!!

Our cult family that has been following along since this time last year knows that St Patrick's Day has turned into a somewhat epic annual occurrence in the world of gretchen cello. Yesterday kicked off in an Irish pub with many pints of Guinness, a few of Kilkenny, and a couple glasses of Jameson. There was fiddling, there was dancing, there was loud cackling, and of course - the coveted free Guinness hat. After the Irish pub my mate and I...

it MUST have been the dress

Dear Blog Family aka Cult Clan A collection of us have been chatting on facebook about the big shoes I've been wearing all week. Today I decided to pair my big shoes with a somewhat inappropriate tangerine mini dress when I went to work figuring I was going to quit and might as well look cute. I didn't quit. I tried. I was interrupted. And as shallow as it may be, the interruption sounded something like, "Is it because we aren't going to...

writers reading. enslavement arrangement.

My Writer friends basically get published on a daily basis. And not to sound smitten, but I do glow a unique golden shade basking in the light of their success. Because one day I'll say: "I was reading them far before famous..." All of this said, I still haven't found my ambition to submit work for publication. Not because I don't care... I mean... I want to care... I just don't think it's my bag blog family. I admire Writers who compose...

missing queens. tearing timorousness.

Chris and I shall continue our Melbourne trekking today. I'm happy to say that one of my jobs temporarily concluded! This is the first weekend since November that I haven't had to work seven days in a week. I woke up this morning insanely excited about that. And then I wrote poetry. tearing timorousness raining. outside of my ordinary window. i sent you sealed envelope confessions. wrapped in blankets of cause. i wanted to give you everything....
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