intermission. happy new year blog family!!

Dear Blog Family I hope you are all enjoying the serialized tarot story. I'm having fun writing it. I wanted to have a brief intermission to wish each of you the best 2011 and say how much I love you. As mentioned recentlyI'm in the middle of a minor crisis with one foot out the door of it, so things are on the up. I was concerned that when I slid into a temporary transition of exclusively creative posting some of our friends might not come over...

yt sumner. hot bits of melbourne. solstice.

Namaste Blog Family and Cult of Ravishment We are aware that my heart simply does not beat outside of New York City. However, there are aspects of Melbourne that, when I am fortunate enough to experience them, bellow the command of CLEAR and jump-start my fading pulse. Such as one of the best damn Writers in this crazy world, the ultra-fabulous miss yt sumner. If you haven't caught up on her current You and Me Postcard Project off you go to...

mapping the cult

Being able to connect with like minded lovelies all across the planet is one of my favorite things about having a webpage. You might notice a new addition to the right hand column as of late reading 'Map of Visitors'. Clicking this link pulls up a world map with little red rubies showing where everyone is checking in from to say Hello (or Ciao or Tag or Bonjour or G'day etc). Being a Writer is hands down one of the most isolated existences...

seeking below the surface

I like things that reflect how insignificant humans really are. Needless to say, the Grand Canyon had me squealing with glee. It was like time stopped while I was there. I wandered with a pair of beautiful people along a seemingly endless drop that stretched in every direction as far as eyes can see. I felt utterly inconsequential and completely blissful. Later in the day I ate seaweed salad and talked about words more, my motivation of...

see you soon nyc – filmstrip crush

Photography by Josh Dirlam Today is my last day in New York City until the next time we return to tear town up all over again. This particular trip couldn't conclude more sweetly. I spent yesterday with a collection of my favorite humans. I wandered Astoria in chilly winter air and reminisced about the insanely amazing summer I had and how off the chain the next NYC leg will be. When I most likely go to school... more... because somehow that...
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