a is for australia and ARIZONA (bananatrip)

Namaste blog posse and cult of collaborators Guess what? I'm going to Arizona on Thursday. We will be live from the wild west for four days! I have never been to Phoenix and am getting to the exited part where I find myself tapping my foot to the rhythm of approaching travels. In Arizona I will be in the company of Daniel McDermott, founding Editor of BananafishMagazine and all around dope individual as well as other cult associates hiding in...

love light drifting in a beautiful, musical world

Considering that a vast collection of my pieces fall into the 'dark' category, people are often surprised when they meet me in person. I like writing dark and living light. A very good friend of mine actually emailed me the other day after reading some of my new work to make sure I was ok. Sometimes I don't even realize how hard my words can hit... I think that's kind of hot. The irony is that I'm actually a magical green fairy floating around,...

city. deadly nomination. disappearing.

Last night I rugged up and hit town with CJ. We discussed the forthcoming Carrier movie that is still in post-production, a final product should be available for viewing over the coming weeks! We wandered beside the water, I made wishes on stars, we discussed manifestation, we pondered any opportunity to earn a living that doesn't make us want to vomit. One day when I'm a world-renowned word nerd and CJ is an international directing phenomenon,...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! divine intervention.

Happy Halloween my delicious cult of wonderfulness! After a miserably failed attempt to spend all of yesterday feeling bad for myself, I had the best evening ever. I've come across so many soul circle members during this particular New York City mission, it has been amazing. I am going to miss them terribly when I leave this town on November 10th. Until I come back that is... While I was nesting last night around 8.30pm I received a phone call...
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