15 sleeps til Australia

After my episode last week I've sorted myself out and am ready to return to the world of down under... I shall swap my main header from 'FollowMeToNYC' to read 'and back to AUSTRALIA' and we'll take it from there! When I started this back in September I had no idea what I was doing other than going back to NYC to write... and I've done just that. The only thing that I didn't do during my trip that I was betting on was promote myself to...

veronicas suck sucky sisters

These four words are the top four google searches that have directed people to my webpage... LOL!!! As my Aussie tribe would say ...On ya Google! It's comforting to see my literary potential being discovered by fellow appreciators of the word 'suck'. And as someone with four sisters of my own, I'd rather not think about the premise one might google 'sucky sisters'... they must have been trying to find the Kardashians. I state with pride that...


It is officially the week of the script blog family. My weekend was full of emotion and randomness. I blame cabin fever, 'work-related-stress', and a few other bits and pieces. How do you guys deal with stress? Do you even believe in stress? Since I was a kid, I've always turned to writing to repair myself. The weekend wasn't any different. Although I didn't really get any project work done at all... I wrote some poetry. As soon as I took the...

no one likes a debbie downer…

I'm better today. The solution? Food and exercise... boring... you're right. I was finished being sick at some point yesterday afternoon. At this stage I ran around outside a bit and ate piles of fruits and vegetables. I meditated, listened to classical music, and drank herbal tea. Oh and I wrote a story... dormant details shaking sense You open your eyes with a foreign disorientation. Beside you is someone you loved a very long time ago. The...

scratching the sonnet project

I've decided I don't want to write a sonnet every day. I'm going to keep writing them... but not every day. My logic is pretty simple... they're stressing me out. The reason they're stressing me out is because poetry isn't something I've ever forced... it flows from me. I started writing my daily sonnet and didn't feel like it at all. So even though the end result was decent... it made me unhappy because it didn't make me feel anything. I was...
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