a brief rant about writers

While I was having a three hour cry  to one of my best friends on the phone yesterday, I realized once again that a big issue  I have is not caring about being published. Don't get me wrong, I realize that there's benefit in getting published... I understand it's what people that want to write for a living normally do. I will persevere trying to make myself care more, it's kind of an ongoing saga. I just don't get why I don't care about it the...

other things i’d like to do

Being locked away in the snow and doing nothing but write leads to mucho self reflections. Some of them I'd like to share today, some of them are private. And believe it or not, when I'm not straight up ranting and world stalking via the Internet - I'm actually quite a private person. So here goes... I'd like to learn to play the cello. I used to take piano lessons which would also be sweet to take up again, but I learned that pianos are kind...

of course i haven’t forgotten about them

The missing of the puppies is affecting me a bit. I think that's because whenever I get stressed about writing I usually curl up with them and sleep. I was reading something by a screenwriter today who was saying his 'thing' is hot baths... that's where he goes during those moments you need as writer to let your mind drift into the next phase... I go to the puppies. Apparently Lily still sits by the door waiting for me to arrive. I've been doing...

and MORE SNOW!!!

Winters where I live in Australia don't get below forty degrees at night... and the days still hit around 70 (say 7 to 24... respectively). As soon as I woke up this morning I booked outside to play in the white fluffy wonderland that last night's weather left behind. It feels like Christmas. I've adjusted to pretty much everything living in Australia. I even say tomato sauce instead of ketchup and can shift with my left hand. However, warm...

how the writing’s rolling

I'm glad I'm balancing two screenplays because they're coming along the way I hoped. Each are making decent progress and, like I've mentioned before, the fact that they're different genres gives me a bit of leeway. I don't know what it's like for other people, but on certain days my mind just doesn't feel like focussing a certain way... doing it this way I can simply shift focus. For some reason I don't have this issue with book writing... I...
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