Happy 2016 blog tribe.
Needless to say, for the past two-years-ish, my life has been flipped on its ass.
And I have been loving every second. Because I’m not small-minded enough to ever forget my earthly blessings. Regardless of how humans try to fuck up my flow.
I took pride in publishing this webpage today – after I took it down for ages. I’m not someone to hide anything. I actually live my life in separate territory. I intend to set an example. Plainly put, I did not incarnate to be quiet.
I have been living in the United States just over four years. It’s a police state. It is just as oppressive as it seems. It washes me in a surreal karmic salt bath that I walk daily.
Between back stabbing lovers, pushy politicians and flawed family ties – it’s been a battle. It makes me remember why in 2002, I made the conscious decision to leave this country alone and travel to the other side of the planet – where I finally found my footing while simultaneously having my heart smashed.
I missed every single one of you. Our family reading this page, reading my poetry – watching as I squelched my boots determined to get exactly where I am.
It is a relief to be back. Between the few thousand of us – you have no idea what I have been through…
Namaste. 3 x 3 x 3