I woke up this morning, fired up the notebook, and literally repeated ‘job job job job job…’
Shortly after, I put on a very pretty dress and hit the streets with fabulous family member Chris whose couch is serving as the coziest nest during my transition into NEW YORK CITY!!
We rocked up at a joint that had an ad on craigslist for walk-in applicants interested in waiting tables at a bakery-ish coffee-like place. So less than 24 hours after arriving in Queens… I got a JOB!!
Don’t get me wrong, another job that, I don’t know… pays money… will be completely helpful. HOW-EV!! Bread is bread.
I start next week…
In the meantime I’ll keep chanting ‘job job job…’ to see what else presents itself. And writing, of course…
The mild stress of my present shift is lifting with meditation and poetry. I also worked on a new short story today.
The thing is… being in NYC isn’t just about ‘Hey cool, New York…’ It’s about aligning myself with my intuition, listening to the voices I hear that simply don’t hush and trusting that my effort to obey will rebalance alignment that I didn’t even notice getting knocked about, for a very long time.
Summed up… word.
One of my poems from today…
complexities of electronic existence
i cleared my history today.
status. update. delete. repeat.
two dimensional love affair.
fake photographs define
one sided conversation.
googling to relearn. how to learn?
world wide web. threaded daggers.
i would rather be stabbed
with the passion of steel
over counterfeit clicks.
spelling error. false grammar.
made up words
on artificial light. i have
to believe behind a screen
there is an actual address
with no dashes and periods.
i scream
in real life.
Did you do the job dance as well??
Congrats!! Now get me a coffee!!
oh there was dancing alright! like i need a reason? 😉 (raises her coffee cup & toasts)
Congrats on the job, Gretchen! I’m sure you’ll find all types there!
thank you luke!! walking out the door to hit the streets & see what i wander into today :-D!!
That is a very pretty dress.
I need a new job, too. Do you think it would work for me?
hello michael :-D!!
it might work… so far i’m two for two with the pretty dress approach. looks like i’ll be going out again today, so if it ends up three for three… i reckon the dress is the way to go…
1. that dress is fab. 2. i really dig the poem. and 3. waiting tables at a coffee place? you’re just like rachel green!! (but obviously much hipper to the goings-on of the world and without an unfortunate super-90s haircut.) will we see you in the jerz soon?!
whoa, totally need to not comment on your site after a few beers, haha. you will be nothing like rachel and i need to stop watching so much ‘friends.’ apologies gretchy!!
thank you gorgeous!! i’m not sure who rachel green is, but i’m glad i’m hipper!! (tee hee!!) it’s a coffee place bakery thing… so i’m not sure what that means… once i get some cheddar, i can jump the train to jerz! i’d love to come see you for a weekend!!
PS. LOL @ beer comments! they’re the best ones! i don’t know why i don’t get more of them!!! LOVE YOU! xoxo