east. west. outside. in.

Namaste blog tribe.

IMG_2498A special shout out to our Australian family about to welcome 2013, and holla at your Kiwis. A wonderful 2013 to this world and the others floating around in space, etc.

Living in west midtown is another world to living on the east side. I used to wake up to the sight of the United Nations and glowing east river. Now I’m amongst flashing lights of Times Square, Broadway spotlights and neon zaps of Hell’s Kitchen.

Earlier this year I spent January mostly hibernating. However you can’t hibernate with a Lily Peanut. If I’m going to have to go outside in temperatures far too low for anyone to even consider braving, I reckon I’m in the most fun place to do so… in the middle of kids coming from clubs, families sipping coco and some of the most magnificent architecture on the planet. There are people rushing to work, movie shoots happening and 24 hour everything.

I must say though, cold weather is Boo. I would rather be inside writing. I’m lucky Peanut makes me take her on five walks a day though… there are stories all over these sidewalks.

A happy, love-filled, blessed and peaceful New Year to all of you, cult collective!


4 thoughts on “east. west. outside. in.

  1. Hey you, life kinda went to hell, I’m in Sydney now, I kinda hate it here but at least I like my new job and the people I’m crashing with are lovely. Call me xx

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