Someone I love took me to have a massage today. My shoulders were twisted and squeezed and all kinds of wonderful pops exploded my tense bits in abundant releases of toxins.
I’ve never had a massage before… it was spectacular. Afterwards I was whisked away to a lookout where I marveled at the mysterious land I am presently tucked in, took many deep breaths, thought about my book, and sat happily in silence with one of Australia’s finest.
Possibly one of the Universe’s finest.
I looked at five houses today and although none of them struck me as “the one” I’m off to see one Wednesday which manifested today and potentially has
gretchen cello written all over it.
We went to the movies to see Limitless tonight after I was feeling inspired and script-like from a conversation earlier this morning with The Carrier director, Mr Loupos. You heard everyone, bikini zombies are one step closer to completion. My fifteen minute mini-flick is coming soon to a youtube near all. Limitless was dope. Shout out to the author whose book the film is based on.
Today is the puppies 4th birthday. I gave them fuzzy creature toys which only happens once a year because all they do is rip the stuffing out. They are currently happily tearing away at what used to be a duck and a once-was warthog.
There are a lot of resources around that consistently look after me when my acceptance of a supposable human existence overwhelms me. I am eternally grateful.