NUMBER 200!!!!

Today is my 200th consecutive post. That’s some shit blog family…

To absorb the occasion I had a look at my NUMBER 100 post. I remember waking up that morning and writing the poem I talk about and shared on the day. I didn’t end up posting poems every day like I thought I was going to in 2010… but I’m certainly posting a lot more poetry in general. I figure with the anthology coming soon… my poems will have a happy place to live.

I liked the work I was producing better when I was in the States. I’m sure it was a combination of the culture of New York City and the love and support of my yankee cult members that kept me sane.

Sanity has been a shaky topic in my house lately. I love you all and wish I was in more of mood to celebrate. And like it’s been discussed in other posts, no one likes a Debbie Downer.

Here’s a poem I wrote about how I’m feeling lately…

packing a suitcase with what’s left of what you forgot

i might rather
cut myself into someone
else. or else shoot
needles in my eye.
to keep a composed surface.
maintain sane and blame
me for everything.
because you left.
quick fix.

flying forward in

s d r a w k c a B

ways. draw backs.
colour me previous.
exception. your acceptance.
fears about how
toward topping up a glass.
splashing me with insecurities
constructing your
i’m stronger than
put downs and ground
drags. so

when you wake up alone
tell me
the way
the air tastes. cold
hearts break in violence

don’t call me baby.

i’m al(l)ready


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