one thing i’m not

There are a lot of qualities of myself that I have to wear regardless of how they lack attractive. For example, I am about as patient as a truckie running four hours behind schedule and blunter than a red potato.

However, if there’s one thing I’m not – it’s a smack talker. I don’t say things that I plan to do without doing them. While providing concrete timeframes to manifest life proves challenging, I like to think I get shit done. Best we can, anyways.

I spend a lot of time in solitude. When I was living in Australia, I thought it was circumstance… living 10,000 miles from the motherland floating around the Pacific. Now that I’m plopped in the central guts of the US’s biggest city and still living in my own small world corner with two puppies nesting in my lap and words spilling from my fingers… I’ve come to appreciate my cloistered Writer’s nature. I like participating in life when necessary, and spending as much time as I can scribbling possibilities.

I’ll be relieved when Novel is done. It’s about time to add one to my portfolio. I don’t want to be a Writer that keeps talking about a novel that “isn’t finished yet.” I totally relate to every other wordsmith in that boat, but I reckon I’ve been sailing long enough. I think a novel tucked between a couple poetry books will compliment my bookshelf sweetly.


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