real people

The best part about the last 289 posts I’ve smacked out is our surfacing soul tribe… Readers, Writers, Cult advocates, Zombies, various Artists, and international Pretties continuously come forward to say, ‘Why hello Gretchen Cello… let’s paint the world beautiful together…’

Fellow Artist Ricardo Perez and I have been sharing creations for quite some time and recently spoke on the telephone for the first time – a conversation that inspired the following collaboration. Much love to you Rick! We won’t stop… cause we can’t stop…

Shout out to the real people! Up we come…


My style of giving people a chance smiled at me,
It’ s good to connect with people that understand
where you’re coming from.
Voices connect and the exchange of words let you
know how real people are.
Their personality somehow infects you with whatever
energy they give you.
She had a right on, way of things.
I could feel that infectious wild, outspoken, righteousness.
Her undertaking with the underdog to prove’em wrong,
that professional that will profess itself when need attitude.
Fun spirited,
and yet still be able to know what’s needed to get done mode.
All that lets a person know,
“Hey, i’m goin through it too!”
That understanding kind of friendly,
cause that’s how people are supposed to act.
All or nothing, taken chances
good, or bad.
Forget a what if, huh, ma!
Today the phone rang and said
“Wow Rick, it’s good to finally talk wit yu,”
Me to Ms. Cello ,yur a real person…

We flow and roam
Those places you can’t see….
Feel how we express what gets
Souls vibrating
To history.
Creating future from what has always been.
No seek to win.
Know familiar like
A soothing voice asking
Where have you been?
Similarity taps through phone lines,
Absorbing light and motion.
Talking to him,
He knows what it’s like.
There’s a tribe
Where you belong
Singing similar songs.
Cut from the same path.
I walked miles, kilometres, eons
In an unfamiliar jungle.
We awoke to the swing of the same branch,
Agreement of a similar chance.
You see.
We come for one
Purpose. Negotiated vibe.
My eyes are double wide.
New soldiers on side.
Laughter overrides.
Love exchanged
Meaning. One thing.
Five more minutes
Until we
Believing the meaning of what he says,
Fellow real people…
Rick Perez.

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