My trip back to Australia is rapidly approaching. Shout out to all of my mates down under checking in to see what I’ve been up to. Many of my favorite people are currently getting into summer and I am looking very forward to catching up with everyone for a play in the not-distant-at-all future.
The time I’ve spent in the States has and continues to deliver. The script will be finished soon, I’ve got notebooks filled with new ideas, and all sorts of new writing in the mix. I’ve gotten a family fix, a city fix, and was able to center myself and get back on the horse after getting beat on at ‘work’.
My head is in a completely different place then it was a few months ago. It shows in my writing, it also shows in my smile. I could go into ridiculous depth about the whirlwind … and I plan to… through Art.
Haven’t been having a great time of it lately. Good to see you’re still going strong. Happy winter solstice 😉
Namaste Botchy.