I realize that my mucho-easy-on-the eye webpage does a fabulous job at masking it, but I’ve gotta come clean – I don’t know jack about design (ha!).
I also don’t know jack about having a domain or reading the reports about hits this, pages that… Now and then I glance at numbers and graphs that in some language shed light on whether or not anyone is actually reading about my word-ly mission. But it’s too hard and I have ADD.
After seeking some assistance I came to discover that since I started tracking my trip to a creative existence, a number I assumed was around 200 as a tally of how many people are coming around to hang out is actually around 1000. And out of those 1000 people, most cats have checked in around five times to see what’s goin down.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not in any position to abandon ship (as IF!), I’ve got gigs popping all around and get more excited about a script I’m presently polishing each time I hear a key click, which says a lot… it takes something special to attract me away from my writing books over to the notebook.
Anyways, what I’m getting at in my own round about way is the fact that I’ve been able to connect with people literally all over the world in a number that is baffling to me is the coolest thing I’ve done as a Writer, so love, thanks, high fives, and tequila shots to all down for the cause!
Visiting countries include Israel, Georgia, Hungary, Trinidad, Switzerland, Japan, Argentina, France and many more (you know who you are US, AUS, UK etc…)
As someone fueled on the desire to connect with people using words, the only way I really know how, I’ve finally beat out the publishers at something. (Hear that agents out there ignoring me? I guess they wouldn’t, hey?)
Sure I’m still after getting published, or having a script shot, or even lecturing other generations in a University environment about the how’s and why’s of getting people to write. But for me personally, in terms of appeasing the constant ‘Where is everyone?’ I wonder about in my ordinary, daily routines of solo travel… I think I might be finding you… and THAT’S what I’m bloody on about! HOORAY!!