up up and AWAY

Considering that I made the executive decision to travel back to New York City approximately 10ish days ago, the fact that I’m getting on an airplane in a few hours is spinning me out in the most wonderful of ways. You know… like fairy floss being whipped around a cardboard cone.

Cotton candy if you will… the blue kind.

It’s been a rough couple of months in the great land of OZ. I think when FollowMeToNYC took shape last September, I seriously had no idea what I was getting into. And I’ll tell you what I’ve gotten into my fabulous cult members… more content than yo mama!

What’s interesting is that when I started this off I was in the dead-set zone of ‘novel novel novel’. However the emotional turmoil stirring while I dealt with certain aspects of existence persistently hollered ‘Poetry!! Must… write… POETRY!!!’

Which leads to the peak of my fascination… you can actually read my words around. The good people of Bananafish Magazine, Sleep Snort Fuck, and Short Fast and Deadly have (or will shortly) feature my poems, short stories, and prose.

Put shortly… in case you haven’t noticed… I have no idea what’s going on… ever. I just quit another job, I’ve got about $2.50 in my pocket, but I can’t kick this inkling that New York City needs me…

Or perhaps it’s me that needs the city?

Maybe I just need therapy… Oh wait… I’m fairly certain that’s been established already.

Coming soon: Bikini Zombies

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