I’ve been a social butterfly all week and learned that it makes time fly. Other exciting activities this week:
I learned that my landlord hasn’t paid any common fees on my apartment. I further learned that the hoity toity application process that approve common folk like moi into “luxury” establishments was never carried out.
Alas, I was essentially smuggled in with Peanut back in December and now, in a way, am fully squatting. Building management doesn’t seem to care… as long as my rent goes to them from now on.
Somehow these are the legalities I’ve come to understand. My interpretation is that I’m not paying rent until I get something in writing and /or bouncing whenever I see fit.
The whole situation is utterly New York City and I kind of have a crush on it.
More importantly, I think I’m going to travel west in September. I was planning on going to Brussels, unfortunately it’s not how the cards fell this time.
I met another pair of interesting people earlier this week. I think my favorite moment was when one of them said, “I mean… if you really consider it. There’s more good on the planet than real evil.”
Somehow I found comfort in that.
Another highlight was Cajun Martinis with okra instead of olives and a smoked, spicy rim of paprika-y goodness.
I think my favorite piece of week was last night when one of my girlfriend’s came by for lasagna. While dancing around the apartment to Mumford and Sons, I came across Stubborn Love by The Lumineers.
I can’t believe I haven’t come across this sooner. Not only does it have fiddles and banjos, it reminds me of why I Write. I couldn’t have penned a better memoir myself.