Supposedly a website is kind of important once it gets 50 000 visits a day. I learned that recently watching Wall Street 2. A few days away from my 400th consecutive post we've gathered a few hundred cult members to stop by for a daily word dance. However the illest thing is that half of you have subscribed to the RSS feed which means without a shadow of a doubt we're liaising on a daily basis. I think that is so very cool. Shout out to tribal...
I spent yesterday running around Flushing with Chris. I paid one dollar for three pairs of socks and ate delicious crunchy baby greens at one of the zillion amazing restaurants in the Main Street area. I wound up in Cony Island drinking local beers and weaving in and out of Halloween shows. I went on scary rides, was chased by scarecrows, and went through two different Haunted Houses. Today I walked along the East River, lounged around in the...
MY BIRTHDAY WAS SO FUN!! Although I have missed my beloved New York City for seven years worth of birthdays... yesterday made up for it. We kicked off with the new slasher flick Machete which, in the name of gore, gets five stars on a four star scale. Yup. That's what happens when bodies get diced less than sixty seconds into a movie... it RULED! After the movies we wandered down to Studio Square - a faaabulous German beer garden where I'm...
It's 3.25am I mentioned briefly yesterday, I take birthdays pretty seriously. Considering that in a few hours I will be tearing up the city with a few of New York's finest... I needed to get a few things done first. I sat outside in the pitch black kiss of early autumn and drew in the atmosphere until I had to steady myself on a dimly glowing tree. I paid attention to my heartbeat and promised to be a bit easier on it this year. I listened to...
I woke up this morning, fired up the notebook, and literally repeated 'job job job job job...' Shortly after, I put on a very pretty dress and hit the streets with fabulous family member Chris whose couch is serving as the coziest nest during my transition into NEW YORK CITY!! We rocked up at a joint that had an ad on craigslist for walk-in applicants interested in waiting tables at a bakery-ish coffee-like place. So less than 24 hours after...