So as we all know I sent in a new round of work recently to get knocked back by publishers. I'm not saying that I deserve a Nobel Prize or anything... but I should definitely be published by now. People often say 'Don't take rejections personally.' I say that's bullshit. I take them very personally, which is why I don't submit work like I'm apparently supposed to. Getting rejected basically for who you are is a strange cocktail of utter...
I love stomping and romping as much as the next gal. Unfortunately I don't live a rock star life (yet) that permits me to do whatever I feel like every day... like going out to run around and explore or swing from branches. I was getting down with pilates. Unfortunately, my present wage of zero dollars cannot sustain the cost of classes, which leaves me with two choices... rumbling with the puppies and the dreaded exercise machine. The dreaded...
Life in AUS vs life in the US is different, as I'm sure you can all imagine. There are pluses and minuses to each style of living... if I could somehow get a fifty / fifty time balance between each happening... that would be fabulous. Something pleasant I find about Australia is that it's quite easy to avoid the media. Living in the greater NYC area, it's becomes near impossible. Especially when you consider the population density to boot. Your...
Growing up in a house of seven people with a Euro-mix mother, food was a basically the centre of my universe. As a kid, life is pretty much based around the next time you're getting presents and/or special food. That said, I never cooked anything until I was married. Being single and living alone in New York City means you never, ever have to cook... sigh, NYC how I miss thee... I've mentioned before I'm vego with frequent phases involving the...
Alright blog family... it is the official final leg of this particular NYC visit. The excitement of returning to Australia is churning in my belly for many many reasons... too many to list in fact. On that note, it's been some time since we've had a top 10, I reckon one's due! TOP 10 REASONS I'M EXCITED TO RETURN TO AUSTRALIA 10. Summer 9. Being able to get an Aussie beer that isn't Fosters 8. Moving back to Melbourne from Brisbane 7. Getting...