hello june

Six months later... I've never gone so long in silence since I started this webpage in 2009. Viva introspection. Summertime in New York City if officially upon us. I've spent the past few months hitting keys; having my heart broken a couple times; and plotting and scheming on the reg. The freedom that I have and life that I managed to build here baffles me, particularly when I click around this webpage. Certain periods that I revisit feel like a...

let me love you

he had these long legs and blue eyes and i immediately complied with a completely. please could you possibly keep me? hold this disheartened heart that holds anything close. that comes with this imperfect perfection. and while i acted like nothing was happening. these me. these w- om(e)an? this complexity of per- haps. like it might have happened. and these keep on going and go- ing… and… let me. love you.

blue tips. holiday whips.

Happy Sunday global lover tribe. I only work two days this week. One day will be remotely, because I'll be in Boston for Thanksgiving. Yesterday I feasted with a local favorite. We cooked too much food. He made jalapeño corn bread that was accompanied with dark rum punch. We dyed the tips of my hair blue. Later on I waxed my legs during Patron shots.  I was poured a eucalyptus epsom soak and dipped myself in candlelit bath water. The weekend...

another friend’s loss. again.

Recently I made a friend who had a parent pass closely following our first encounter. Nothing hurts more than losing what we hold most sacred. I have't really stopped thinking of this person who I love during such a sad time. I spoke with one of my favorite people earlier today about my lack of phone and slow, albeit gracious, embrace of anti screen-ville. We exchanged "I love you" and plans... I felt myself coming down with a cold so I worked...

moons. touch. me.

While I didn't mention Monday's super moon... it mattered. Now that my space is sacred and empty, it's like I've constructed a 21 story high spiritual dojo. I still put the recent turn of my betterment (after that) is put down to her. Something touched me that night. I cannot tell you the value of getting my head right. The two people I still speak with after my dip are also very happy that all that is finished now. It was bad. There are a lot...
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