back in the city! post. birthday.

Dear Blog Family My birthday was epic! It went on for a record period of time and there were lots of things that happened during it. Nearly four years into blahg-ville, I can't possibly be dishonest about what went down over the past 48-hours. On the actual day of my birthday, I woke up in the morning and sobbed into my journal. I sobbed over a few Christmas pasts and I also spent five to ten minutes boo-hooing over the present state of general...

chapters. verse. relax.

Approaching the end of week one of my holiday, I understand why I need at least two weeks off for a segment of life to legitimately be considered "time off". Leave  me in the forest for an adequate amount of time... and new words take shape... Other things cross my mind, of course. I've thought about old husbands, about what ended me up back here, about how I spent a decade in another country, about how I simply have to be from outer space -...

g’day new york. dates.

Dating in New York City is truly the easiest hobby to adopt. A few weeks ago, I decided to start going on dates. When you  combine the utterly fabulous population of this town with the present orb of communication we twist in... dates, blog family. Dates. I've been on eight dates over the past two weeks. This is the part where my sister inserts, "BE CAREFUL GRETCHEN!" Point taken. But listen here world, take it from me - first hand. Internet...

still listening. park dancing.

I've had The Lumineers on repeat for the past 24 hours. I've memorized all of the words by now and danced through Central Park with the puppies at 5.30 this morning, headphones in tow - bouncing on my toes and watching the sun come up. Tripping on the lyrics. I like the words SO MUCH that I'm actually going to post them right now. It's my poetry remix... this is how the words look in my head and feel in my stomach while my head shakes side to...

Butterfly face. Fly.

I've been a social butterfly all week and learned that it makes time fly. Other exciting activities this week: I learned that my landlord hasn't paid any common fees on my apartment. I further learned that the hoity toity application process that approve common folk like moi into "luxury" establishments was never carried out. Alas, I was essentially smuggled in with Peanut back in December and now, in a way, am fully squatting. Building...
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