newspaper man and the scary room

Only in New York City will you make a friend wearing newspapers that will buy you a nipper100_1413 of Jack and tell you about the grand scheme of rocking a coat of New York Posts for cash, or shrimp scampi in some incidents. It’s kind of a long story…

After we hung out and I promised he’d get a blog feature… I frolicked off to play and he went home to wash his face, and go to the gym.

Have I mentioned I heart New York?

New York City tastes like pretzels and smells like cologne named after celebrities. It sounds like Broadway and feels like your feet are dancing while you move within swarms of people from all over the world.

100_1396I spent the night at the notorious Hotel Carter. I read once that a body was found under one of beds and since we’re going to make a horror movie… the research seemed completely appropriate.

I didn’t find any bodies… but you’ll have to wait for CJ to shoot the scary flick to see what’s on the inside. I don’t think I can bring the room’s charm justice… But I’ve already written four short stories about it…


3 thoughts on “newspaper man and the scary room

  1. Hooray!! We should make one when I get back to the land down under… we totally need to invest in a video camera… we always have so much fun stomping around town :-D!!

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