praise for love, escapes, and crap movies

100_1843I returned this afternoon after a four day gallivant. Tonight I shall wrap myself in blankets, continue reading my books, drink hot chocolate, and sort my writing plan for the week ahead.

Spending time with people I love is an invaluable element to my work. Nothing can replace the recharge I feel when I turn to the people I’m closest with to tell me to relax. Which is what I’ve been doing over the past set of days.

Something else I did during this time that offered a tremendous boost in getting back on the script horse was watching one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen called Deadline with Brittany Murphy. We thought this was a perfect movie to watch considering it’s about a script writer that goes mental and locks herself away to finish a screenplay (totally appropriate…)

In addition to the ego boost I got watching something so horrendous was a realization of a big improvement in my skill in saying why it was so shit. Since I’ve been reading so much theory about screenwriting lately, I was able to provide quite technical reasoning for why the movie sucked.

One of the comments I made was that the Director and Writer seemed to have worked too closely with each other because all100_1844 the shot techniques were insanely blatant. When I grabbed the DVD case to read the creds, I saw it was directed and written by the same person.

It was comforting to learn that a lot of what I’ve been studying while I’m writing is seeping in. It was also nice to warm my toes next to a fireplace with some of my favorite people, knock back a few pints of Guinness and remember not to take any game too seriously.

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