You know it’s starting to be pretty serious once I start firing up two laptops.
Yesterday as I click clacked I couldn’t help but say to myself… something is missing. I know I wrote a piece that should fit here, and a piece that goes there.
Cue laptop number two.
I am Queen Unorganized when it comes to computer files. I can flip the pages of any old inky notebook and revisit creative moments with the tips of my fingers. Typing is so different. Save here, file there. I’m shocking when it comes to keeping track of it all. Because being organized isn’t what I’m great at… writing… that’s my thing.
We’ve covered this.
This morning I came across a fresh 25,000 words to edit. Once I intertwine them with the other 25,000 I’m sitting on… things are going to get interesting.
Man, blog tribe, I can’t bloody wait for this book to be done. I feel like I’ve been crapping on about it long enough.
I don’t want to be one of those Writers who gets a novel published that no one really reads. I really hope my words rattle a few bones, and even if people can’t cite who the author is, the most I can ask for is that a conversation takes place one day between two humans who say, “You read that? Me too… ouch.”
I have a self-help book in the mix to make people feel good and educate humans with regard to inter-dimensional communication. That’s not what Novel is for. Novel is for gut-punching. Earth is a tricky land that just gets trickier. I don’t want a book tour, nor do I want to sit on a panel at a one-off festival and discus my craft. Maybe I’ll teach one day, that’s a different topic.
For now, all I want is a 75,000 word story to share with my readers where I can finally say – giddy-up cult collective. Here’s another piece to what I’ve been on about.
So here’s to 50… 75, coming up.