hard. husband 2.

Namaste blog tribe I hope you are all well around the world. I've decided that I think that I'm a hard person. I realized this today, when I sniffled and sobbed all the way to the vet to pick up Henry's ashes. Alone. In freezing cold weather. Which somehow makes it worse, cold always makes everything worse. Husband 2 is officially off the scene. I haven't mentioned much about the details, some things are private even in Internet land. Needless...

my first trick or treaters

The last three Halloweens have been hectic. For example, Exhibit A and Exhibit B of village shenanigans - and the ever so popular double whammy parties of 2009. I consider Halloween to be extra special for many reasons. This year, I walked three miles to work (since Sandy ate the subway), three miles back... and then I had to take Henry to the vet again. Settling into another country hasn't been a simple task for my poor little baby. I know the...

conflict. dog book. numbers.

My novel needs conflict. I've been reading through thousands of words of characters and places and smells, sights and sounds. But there isn't quite enough "I'm so torn over this, this and this" that a page-turner requires. I'm working on it. While I was pedaling the puppies around at 5.30 this morning. It occurred to me that I'm probably more catering to the needs of my domestic creatures than a lot of humans. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Dog...

one thing i’m not

There are a lot of qualities of myself that I have to wear regardless of how they lack attractive. For example, I am about as patient as a truckie running four hours behind schedule and blunter than a red potato. However, if there's one thing I'm not - it's a smack talker. I don't say things that I plan to do without doing them. While providing concrete timeframes to manifest life proves challenging, I like to think I get shit done. Best we can,...

over one million

My eyeballs nearly rolled out of my head yesterday when I realized that over ONE MILLION reads have occurred in FollowMeToNYC land. It was one of those moments when progress occurs. In this instance, I looked down at my lap full of puppy and exclaimed, "Jesus. I still can't believe the puppies made the hike from Australia to New York City. Amazing." I've been "blogging" for a minute... Considering how Facebook (along with its recent place on the...

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