chakra ignition. ready getting.

I'm an early riser. I usually get up between five and six, regardless of when I go to sleep.  I love the morning. I do my best work then, my meditations seem to charge me the most, and watching the sunrise is amongst my favorite moments. I can tell that I'm much better than I have been in a lot of different ways, but one of the major ways is the benefit of my meditations. The easier it is to enter trance, to ignite my chakras, the more I...

backwards reading

Namaste blog tribe I spent some time yesterday cleaning up these parts. There were happy bits, sad bits, hilarious bits, and lots of other pieces as I sorted through a few months of life back in 2010. As I approach my 850th post, there's something surreal about reading number 100 - it's like I was living an entirely different existence. I suppose I literally was. There were a lot of various reminders reading my life backwards. Some of them I...

peace out therapy

Alright. As I continue to saddle up, pray for spring, and hustle some secret moves that I will be able to get into soon, something else worth mentioning occurred yesterday. About fifteen minutes into my psychology session (this being visit seven) I ran out of things to talk about. So we both smiled at each other for ten more minutes, and then my beautiful doctor with a bob cut and square-toe pumps kindly stated, "You can come back in the...

letters and learning

Namaste blog tribe This morning I wrote a letter to my pen pal in Australia. We bumped into each other one day and have been in love ever since. When you believe you're from outer space, and you run into someone with similar understanding - you essentially recognize each other immediately. It's been 16 days since I busted my foot. I'm still bloody icing it. My best friend and I were laughing last night that I continue to use the "sandwich pack"...

floating through transition

Greetings and love blog tribe Please pardon yesterday's silence. I didn't want to just swing by these parts and complain about my foot - which is finally on the good side of better. I feel like I'm standing on the beach watching the tide come in, waiting for the part when it reaches up and kisses my toes. I haven't had to deal with a real winter since 2009/2010, and back then I was staying with my parents - writing The Carrier, some poetry, and...
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